Netflix is the modern media content provider be it online or be it cable, while all you have to do is to have a Netflix account like any other account of a service provider. Netflix account also uses username and password format as login credentials thus making the account vulnerable to hacking, hackers are stealing the login credentials to gain unauthorized access to the account of Netflix users.

Recently Symantec the modern IT security giant announced that Netflix users are falling prey to the hackers, the hackers are using techniques like phishing and Trojan attacks to lure their victim into revealing their login details and then they sell the account in the grey market at cheaper prices to those who are not willing to pay the monthly subscription fee.
See if You Fallen Victim to the Netflix Account Scam?
The good thing here is, it is very easy to detect if you have been fallen victim to the Netflix account scam. Netflix also maintains the logs of the locations from where your account have been accessed and also logs of the contents that you have been watching. So if you have recently started to receive some random recommendations as to what you should watch next or some random crap has appeared in your watch history out of nowhere, then you might be a victim of Netflix account scam.
To do and check all mentioned above, all you have to do is to head to the Netflix website and then login to your account, then click on the downward-headed triangle which is located right beside your account name at the top-right corner of the screen. Once this done choose your account then go to my profile and choose Viewing Activity, there you will see your watch history and you can easily understand if there are any TV shows or Movies that you haven’t watched.
Secondly, see if under the Recent Account Access tab there are locations which are unknown to you and also notice the devices which have recently checked in. So if you come to notice anything unusual here then you might be a victim of Netflix account scam although if you have been using VPN service to access Netflix then you might also receive false alarms in this regard.
Avoiding Netflix Account Scam
Ok, since you now know that you have been victimized what you can do next is to ‘sign off from all the unknown devices, and then change the password in order to prevent them from logging back into your account in the future as well.’ To change your password again go to the downward-headed triangle and then under My Account tab change your password under the Membership and Billing tab of the menu.
While changing your password you will be prompted to enter your old password and upon entering the correct old password you will be asked to enter a new password and then confirm the new password, once done tick the box where it asks to require a new password for logging back in the account, then click on the save button.
In this guide attempts were made to make you aware of the Netflix scam and how you can save yourself from it. As a bonus step, you can also make sure to access Netflix only from the dedicated website or their Netflix app and do not click on any bogus advertisements that promise to offer something out of the ordinary. Also, make sure you have an antivirus on your machine that is running up to date. I hope this guide was useful.